Basic Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test 5

Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test with Solved Answers.

Basic Agriculture Engineering MCQs with Solved Answers.

#1. The degree of cohesion between the soil particles

#2. If coefficient of uniformity is greater than 15 then soil

#3. The increase in the dry density of soil by the dynamic load is called

#4. Flow in an open channel is said to be ____________ it depth of flow changes during time interval under condition.

#5. The spacing and mutual arrangement of soil particle within the mass of soil is called

#6. The ratio of difference between the moisture content and P.L. to the P.I. is called.

#7. The difference in moisture content or interval liquid and plastic limits is termed as.

#8. Compaction increases the density of the soil, this increasing its _______________ and beary capacity

#9. Weight of soil per unit of its volume is called

#10. In the British system of units, unit weight of water is.

#11. The moisture content at which the plastic properties of the cohesive soil are lost is termed as

#12. The moisture content in percent of a soil by dry weight at the maximum dry density of that soil. is called

#13. The ratio of the diameter of the particles which has 60 percent of he sample finer than the size shown to the size which has 10% by weight material finer then these size d10 is called

#14. The moisture content at which the cohesive soil mass become layer and some what stiffer.

#15. Ratio of actual decrease in volume of void in a soil to the maximum decrease in volume of void is called

#16. The moisture content of the soil at which the soil transforms from the semisolid to solid state is termed as

#17. We can measure the liquid limit by the method

#18. The ratio of the field density to the standard laboratory density of the soil is called

#19. The increase in the density of the soil by the static load is called.

#20. Flow in an open channel is said to be ____________ if depth of flow does not change during time internal under condition



Basic Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test 4

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