Basic Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test with Solved Answers.
PPSC Agriculture Engineering MCQs with Solved Answers.
#1. A cycle requiring one revolution for its completion is known as________________
#2. The loss in the relative velocity of stream due to friction is________________
#3. A cycle consisting of two constant pressure processes and two reversible adiabatic. This cycle is known as________________
#4. The speed of the de-level turbine is_______________
#5. A structure designed to sustain the lateral pressure of earth and other material is termed as________________
#6. A cycle requiring two complete revolutions is know as_______________
#7. The ratio of the final and initial volumes of the gas is known as
#8. What is the coulomb’s shear strength equation________________?
#9. The amount of heat required to raise unit weight of the substance through one degree of temperature________________
#10. Efficiency is the Otto cycle can be written as________________
#11. To determine the in place density of soil________________ is used.
#12. Clinical waste can be categories in to ______-categories
#13. Orsat apparatus is used to Analyze________________
#14. The cycle consists of two Isothermal processes and two constant volume processes. This cycle is termed as________________
#15. The ratio between the heat abstracted and work done by a refrigerator is known as
#16. In Pakistan annual consumption of plastic is ____-tones.
#17. Entropy is a property of a material, which varies with its absolute________________ and its state.
#18. The flow of steam in the Nozzle between inlet and throat is________________
#19. The resistance to deformation by continuous shear displacement of soil particle is called_______________
#20. . A Shear test where the shear resistance of the soil sample is measured Immediately after the application of the normal load. This test is know has________________
#21. In the Nozzle Velocity of steam at the throat is_______ for maximum discharg
#22. When a gas is heated at constant temperature the pressure multiplied by the volume remains constant. This is according to the
#23. What is the ratio of the fuel and air for an engine________________?
#24. The sheer strength of soil is usually determined experimentally by the method________________
#25. The cycle consists of two reversible adiabatic, one constant pressure line and one constant volume line. This cycle is {known as
#26. All gases at the same temperature and pressure contain same numbers of molecular per unit volume. The is stated according to the
#27. In the world _____million tons of pathological waste is produced in the hospitals per annum
#28. The cycle consists of two constant line and two reversible adiabatic lines this cycle is known as.
#29. Lateral forces interacting between the earth retaining structure and retainedearth mass are caused by_______________
#30. If a propulsion unit contains its own oxygen supply for combustion purposes the system is known as_______________
PPSC Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test 7
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