Provincial Management Service ETC. BS-17 2020 General knowledge Paper MCQS Quiz Test. Each paper has 4 Parts and Every Part has 25 MCQS in each paper.
#1. The political term “Shadow cabinet stands for:
#2. The word ‘REX’ stands for:
#3. Jahangir Khan won Squash Champion Ship for 10 times:
#4. Jabir ibn Haiyan is famous for his work on:
#5. Kyoto Protocol came into force in:
#6. Watergate scandal is related to:
#7. The Lengthiest written constitution of the world is:
#8. Continental Shelf limits of Pakistan is:
#9. The World Water day is celebrated every year on:
#10. International Monetary Fund (IMF), was created after the;
#11. Deal of the Century presented by US President Donald Trump related to
#12. Soviet Union was replaced by Russian Federation in
#13. Who was Pakistan’s first ambassador to US?
#14. The India’s current president is:
#15. In 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was sworn in for.
#16. Hugo Shavez was leader of:
#17. China have claim on part of Indian province of:
#18. Ho Chi Minh was:
#19. . The article 3 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UN relates:
#20. Settlement of border dispute and signing of “Boundary agreement” with China proved a mile stone in the history of Sino-Pak relations Which of the following diplomats rendered his services to finalise the agreement?
#21. The Bolshevik Revolution took place in:
#22. “Kapas ka Phool” is written by:
#23. The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under the Amendment:
#24. Pakistan installed her first nuclear power station in Karachi with the cooperation of:
#25. The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:
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