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Basic Agriculture MCQS Quiz Test 7

This Quiz Test Have all Basic MCQS Related to Major Fields of Agriculture, Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Forestry & Range Management, Soil Science, Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Extension, Biotechnology, Seed Science & Technology, Marketing & Agribusiness and Post Harvest Science & Technology.  This Quiz Test Includes Basic Agriculture Solved MCQS from the Past Papers of Agriculture Posts of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC and NTS. Every Quiz has 20 MCQS and Every MCQS have four options. Select the Correct Answer Right Answer Shows Green And Wrong Will Show as Red.

#1. Root rot of cotton is a-----------?

#2. Seed rat of American cotton per acre is------------?

#3. The depth of water required by crops during the base period is called--------?

#4. Cotton plant belong to one of the following categories----------?

#5. An example of monocot fiber yielding plant is-----------?

#6. Major source of sugar in world is-----------?

#7. Weedicides that kill the foliage of weeds by direct contact are as----------?

#8. Cotton plant has a mode of germination----------?

#9. The heating of atmosphere by gases that are transparent to sun light but opaque to radiated heat is called----------?

#10. The living together of two or more species in a prolonged and intimate ecological relationship is called----------?

#11. Number of irrigation required for cotton crop are----------?

#12. Soil water in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which moves downward through the soil by the force of gravity is called----------?

#13. Cotton is a crop of---------?

#14. Recommended method for cotton sowing is----------?

#15. Best time of sowing for cotton is----------?

#16. The application of fertilizer nutrients in proportions best suited to the needs of the crop is called-----------?

#17. The total dry matter produced by a plant as a result of photosynthesis is called-----------?

#18. Optimum pH for cotton plant lies between----------?

#19. The unproductive branches of cotton are called-----------?

#20. Sex pheromones traps are used for the pest of------------?



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