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Basic Agriculture MCQS Quiz Test 6

This Quiz Test Have all Basic MCQS Related to Major Fields of Agriculture, Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Forestry & Range Management, Soil Science, Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Extension, Biotechnology, Seed Science & Technology, Marketing & Agribusiness and Post Harvest Science & Technology.  This Quiz Test Includes Basic Agriculture Solved MCQS from the Past Papers of Agriculture Posts of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC and NTS. Every Quiz has 20 MCQS and Every MCQS have four options. Select the Correct Answer Right Answer Shows Green And Wrong Will Show as Red.

#1. The depth of irrigation water required for the full crop period is called---------?

#2. Mesophytes are grown in------------?

#3. Allelopathy is an important component in the development of future integrated strategies for--------?

#4. When one set of vegetation follows the oilier set of vegetation with passage of time is known as----------?

#5. Effects of allelopathic compound in the life cycle of plants cause inhibition of----------?

#6. What is SAZDA---------?

#7. Very hot and winterless condition is------------?

#8. Plants which grow on dry region are-------?

#9. Allclopatluc interactions in general and the allelochemicals in particular are viewed as an important tool for---------?

#10. Initial vegetation that invades and occupies the area is called-----------?

#11. In rice, high silicon content, in shoot confers resistance to-----------?

#12. The technical name of janter is-----------?

#13. Removal of branches for forage is----------?

#14. Hyderabad district area is in-----------?

#15. Hot desert has mean annual temperature of-------------?

#16. The total dry matter produced by a plant as a resulting photosynthesis is called---------?

#17. non of these

#18. Controlled run off, water supplies, irrigation, soil fertility is called as-----------?

#19. Annual rye grass releases a chemical through its root that prevents----------?

#20. EC of saline soil is equal to or greater than----------?



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