Assistant Board of Revenue and Land Record Past Paper 2021 1.1



#1. When Saudi Arabia allow women to join army?

#2. Our earth is divided into how many climate zones:

#3. Gold, Silver and copper are

#4. The law that prohibit state and local law enforcement from targeting a person on the basis of racism, religious and national origin:

#5. FAO Stands for

#6. National School of Public Policy was established in:

#7. When Pakistan declared Corona emergency

#8. Punjab government established a body for women protection in 2017:

#9. Thomas Edison is famous for inventing

#10. When military operation stopped in East Pakistan in 1971

#11. Louvre Museum is in:

#12. Who was the main leader behind Lucknow Pact?

#13. The Palestinian uprising against Israel occupation of West Bank to Gaza from 1987 to 1991 is termed as:

#14. When Doha Agreement was settled between US. and Afghanistan that ensures that Afghanistan soil could not be used against

#15. Which country has largest nuclear power plant?

#16. The continental shelf was one of the treaties that agreed on the First convention of UN.on Law of Sea

#17. Bronze is an alloy of

#18. Kashmir is a part of

#19. Catherine Palace is in

#20. The largest lake of Pakistan is:

#21. When Nidwa tul Ulema established

#22. The ruler of Junagarh at the time of Independence was:

#23. When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died?

#24. How many judges are serving in Lahore High Court?

#25. First viceroy of British India was


PPSC Assistant Board of Revenue and Land Record BS-17 2021 Paper With Solved Answers. Every Paper Has Four Parts and Every Part Contain 25 Solved MCQS and every MCQs has four options in Quiz Form. All the Papers are in Quiz form

This Quiz contain Following MCQS

Pakistan Affairs MCQS

International Affairs MCQS

General Knowledge MCQS

Science MCQS

Analytics MCQS