Provincial Management Service ETC. BS-17 2020 General knowledge Paper MCQS Quiz Test Each paper has 4 Parts and 25 MCQS in each paper.
#1. What is the total length of coastline of Pakistan?
#2. In the plant cells which reactions occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts?
#3. Vasco da Gama was the native of
#4. The largest earth filled dam of the world is:
#5. The Pakistani scientist who worked under Albert Einstein:
#6. Oceans cover how much of the earth’s surface?
#7. India represents what percent of South Asia’s population?
#8. According to science, the Earth is years old.
#9. How many official working languages’ are recognized by UNO?
#10. Stimulus intensity is detected in brain by?
#11. Arab Spring movement in Middle East started from which country?
#12. Which of the following country has no boundary with Syria?
#13. SAPTA is a trade agreement by:
#14. Timbuktu is the famous city of:
#15. Coniferous forests have low biodiversity than:
#16. Which of the following can be recycled many times?
#17. What is the brightest planet in the solar system?
#18. Sindh was separated from Bombay in
#19. The second largest desert of the world is:
#20. Vitamin that is produced by body and is not found in fruits and vegetables
#21. makes up 14 to 17 percent of the skeleton
#22. Approximately what fraction of the human genome encodes proteins?
#23. Rocks that contain fossils are:
#24. The energy value of fats and oils is times more than carbohydrates and proteins
#25. Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which organ among the following?
#26. The milk needs to be heated for complete pasteurization at 161°F for seconds.
#27. How many countries are members of SAARC?
#28. Depletion of the ozone layer is caused due to
#29. Dome of Rock is located in
#30. When was Sui Gas first discovered in Pakistan?
#31. How many members are there in the Security Councilº?
#32. The vitamin that controls the browning in fruits by the help enzymes is:
#33. Deforestation at large scale can be observed at:
#34. Three Gorges Dam is located in:
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