General Knowledge Solved MCQs Quiz Test 9

GK Solved MCQs PDF

General Knowledge Solved MCQs is a practice test that provides practice answering multiple choice questions. It contains over 150000 solved MCQs to help you prepare for any general knowledge test or subjective exam. These Questions cover many of the same topics that you might find on an entry exam.


#1. Parliament of Oman is known as __________?

#2. Length of Canada’s border with the United States is ________?

#3. Surma is name of a _________?

#4. Which of the following is the parliament of Burma?

#5. Parliament of Norway is known as:

#6. Who is the founder of telegram?

#7. What does Duff mean in golf?

#8. The State Great Khural is the parliament of which of the following country?

#9. Marib Dam is located in________?

#10. Longest Railway line in the world is _________ ?

#11. Masherbrum Peak is located in _______?

#12. When is Nelson Mandela’s day celebrated?

#13. Which of the following personality is the founder of basketball?

#14. What is the name of parliament of Jordan?

#15. Who founded Judaism?

#16. Majlis Mesyuarat is the parliament of which of the following country?

#17. How many words are there in Russian language _____ ?

#18. Mumbai stock exchange was established in_________?

#19. When is world youth skills day observed?

#20. The weight of 5 rupee coin of Pakistan is ___________?



General Knowledge MCQ Quiz Test 8 Solved

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