Excise and Taxation Department 2018 Paper MCQS Quiz Test 2.3

This Quiz Includes Solved MCQS from the Past Papers of Excise and Taxation Department held by PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, and BPSC.


#1. FIR stands for:

#2. Otto Von Bismarck was:

#3. Who was the first Secretary General of UN?

#4. Iblees was:

#5. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition: He was indignant me for no reason.

#6. The capital city of Denmark is:

#7. Congress was founded by A. O Hume because he believed that India’s basic aliments were:

#8. A data is a communication system within a building, plant, or campus, or between nearby buildings.

#9. The First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in 1992 at:

#10. Where does the United Nations “Commission on Human Rights” meet and for how long?

#11. The total electors in the Electoral College for the election of American President are:

#12. If 4:2::5:15, the x =

#13. If the Prime Minister intends to resign, he may address his resignation to:

#14. Which of the following Governor General of Pakistan died in exile?

#15. Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first ever heart transplant on humans. Which country was he from?

#16. Choose the correct meaning of the Idiom: “Kith and kin”

#17. Which of following is not Allama Iqbal’s book?

#18. The Synonym of “Indigenous” is:

#19. Fill in the blank by choosing suitable word from the given options. “Ruin is to Save as Tight is to

#20. The Government of India Act 1935, divided the country into:

#21. Mr. Rehman ordered a car worth Rs. 600,000 and was given a discount. Given that he paid Rs. 570,000 for his new car. Calculate the percentage discount he received:

#22. Of the following which one is not a search engine?

#23. Complete the Proverb: “The man who has once been bitten by the every piece of rope.

#24. Chichen Itza is situated in:

#25. To ‘clip the wings’ means to:



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