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Basic Agriculture MCQs Quiz Test 14

Agriculture Solved MCQs with Answers

This Quiz Test Have all Basic MCQS Related to Major Fields of Agriculture, Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Forestry & Range Management, Soil Science, Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Extension, Biotechnology, Seed Science & Technology, Marketing & Agribusiness and Post Harvest Science & Technology.  This Quiz Test Includes Basic Agriculture Solved MCQS from the Past Papers of Agriculture Posts of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC and NTS. Every Quiz has 20 MCQS and Every MCQS have four options. Select the Correct Answer Right Answer Shows Green And Wrong Will Show as Red.

#1. Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae------------?

#2. Costal margin of wing of insect is----------?

#3. It is an organism which lives on or within another living organism is called-----------?

#4. Insects which are active at night are called----------?

#5. The study of form and structure of insects are called------------?

#6. Viviparous insects which produced------------?

#7. The lateral selertized region of insect body is called-----------?

#8. The main body regions of insects are called-------?

#9. Suffering cause in insects due to lack of food is called----------?

#10. Jassid, Aphid and bugs have----------?

#11. Butter flies have antennae----------?

#12. House has antennae--------?

#13. Three main part of antennae are --------?

#14. Insects which are mainly during evening or morning twilight are called---------?

#15. Housefly have mouth parts-----------?

#16. A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are-------------?

#17. Insect which are found every where are called-------------?

#18. A free living animal that attack and feed on other organism is called---------?

#19. Insects which are during day light hours are called-----------?

#20. Examples of monophagous insect is-----------?



Agriculture MCQs Quiz Test 13

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