Basic Agriculture Engineering MCQs Quiz Test 2

Agriculture Engineering Basic MCQs Quiz Test with Solved Answers

#1. Write the correct formula of the total head and Bernoulli’s theory

#2. What is the dimension of power?

#3. Select the correct formula of Froude number

#4. If the flow is steady; the fluid may posses an acceleration by virtue of a change in velocity with change in position this type of acceleration is called

#5. Select the correct formula of the Weber numbe

#6. Select the equations of continuity

#7. If the flow is such that all streamlines are plane curves and are identical in a series of parallel planes is calle

#8. Square root of the ratio of the inertia to elastic force

#9. The square root of the ratio of the inertial forces to surface tension is called

#10. Regnolds number R is equal to

#11. Select the continuity equation that applies to in compressible fluids for both steady and unsteady flow within fixed boundaries.

#12. If g is considered to be the same and F is also same so

#13. The ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces is called

#14. A mathematical technique making use of the study of dimensions

#15. Model ratio should be

#16. . The Geometric similarity, which means that the model and its prototype be identical in shape but _________ only size

#17. For extremely high value of Mach number M the flow is

#18. . The sum of the pressure head, elevation head and velocity head is called

#19. The square root of the ratio of the inertial forces to the pressure forces is called

#20. What is the dimension of discharge?



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