This Quiz Test Have all Basic MCQS Related to Major Fields of Agriculture, Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Forestry & Range Management, Soil Science, Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Extension, Biotechnology, Seed Science & Technology, Marketing & Agribusiness and Post Harvest Science & Technology. This Quiz Test Includes Basic Agriculture Solved MCQS from the Past Papers of Agriculture Posts of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, BPSC and NTS. Every Quiz has 20 MCQS and Every MCQS have four options. Select the Correct Answer Right Answer Shows Green And Wrong Will Show as Red.
#1. Collar rot in chilies is caused by ————-?
#2. Which one is the dominant source of foreign exchange earning ?
#3. How much of the total export earning is through agriculture ?
#4. Which one is the main source of foreign exchange earning ?
#5. Investment in agriculture sector is Rs ?
#6. Disease incidences in plants is favored by————-?
#7. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, knol-knol are——–?
#8. Which disease is caused by nematodes in banana——–?
#9. Citrus is divided into three genera, citrus, poncirus and fortunate by———?
#10. Annual growth rate of agriculture for the year 2010-11 was ?
#11. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan’s economy ?
#12. In the Mid of 2011 the share of agriculture in employment is ?
#13. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan’s economy ?
#14. What is the annual average growth rate of agriculture in last decade
#15. Gumosis is disease of————-?
#16. Which one is the dominant source of foreign exchange earning ?
#17. The science of rearing honey bee for honey is known as————?
#18. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan’s economy ?
#19. How much of the total export earning is through agriculture ?
#20. Which are Pakistan’s major seasons for agriculture crops ?
#21. Agriculture employs about ____ of the total labor-force?
#22. Coding moth is major pest of————-?
#23. What is the annual average growth rate of agriculture in last decade ?
#24. How much is contributed by agriculture to GNP of the country ?
#25. Which factor best accounts for the existence of cash-crop production as a major form of agriculture many central American nations today ?
#26. MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be suitable in the ———–? Software Engineering
#27. ——- is the backbone of the Pakistan economy and the mainstay of our national economic life?
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