PPSC Junior Clerk Board of Revenue Past Paper 2021 1.1

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Junior Clerk Board of Revenue Department 2021 Paper MCQs Quiz test with Solved Answers.

#1. Which Indian pilot captured in 2019 by Pakistan:

#2. What wants AJK frontier people during 1947 independence:

#3. Which vitamin obtained from sun:

#4. NATO founded in:

#5. The earth rotates around its:

#6. Siachen glacier is in which range:

#7. The Capital of Sindh is:

#8. The first woman deputy chairman of senate of Pakistan was:

#9. Pakistan connected which country with wakhan corridor:

#10. Which gas is used in balloons:

#11. The Capital of Turkey is:

#12. Bats used for path at night by:

#13. The Highest peak of koh-e-suleman is:

#14. The CEO of Amazon is:

#15. Kashmir valley purchase by Gulab Singh for:

#16. Hingol dam is situated in:

#17. In UK who is the first in line of thrones:

#18. Rawalpindi conspiracy case initiated in:

#19. Bitcoin currency first introduced in which university:

#20. Mound of Dead is also known as:

#21. After leaving American forces who takes the charge of Kabul airport:

#22. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan got fame due to his association with:

#23. How many members have cabinet mission plan:

#24. The Purest form of water can be obtained from:

#25. Incumbent SAPM on CPEC is:



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